Website Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to Clinical Research Atlanta.
It is our commitment to respect and protect your privacy as a visitor to This privacy Statement describes the practices and policies we have put into place to safeguard your personal and health-related personal information that may be gathered and used as you visit our Web site.
What Information is Collected?
We collect general information about the way in which you use our site. We use this information to identify areas of interest to help us improve the information provided to the public through this website.
If you chose to provide your contact information through our “Volunteer for a Study” page, you may be asked to volunteer personal or health related information such as your name, email, mailing address and telephone number.
If you are less than 18 years of age:
Please do not submit any information about yourself to Clinical Research Atlanta. We ask that your parent or legal guardian submit your information on your behalf.
The following information is collected with your permission at this Web site:
- Personal information/identification gathered at users discretion
- The names and e-mail addresses of those who use a feedback form
How Do We Use the Information We Collect?
The information we gather with your permission during your visit to our Web site is used in the following ways:
- Monitor,review,measure, and analyze Web site utilization
- Respond to your requests / questions
- Distribute news and other health information requested by site visitors
- Determine the effectiveness of marketing programs
Whom Do We Share the Information With?
The personally identifiable information gathered during your visit to is gathered for the sole use of Clinical Research Atlanta and will not be shared with any individual or organization for any purpose.
Web Site Contact Information
If you have questions about our privacy policy, or feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, please contact:
Michelle Sowell,CCRCClinical Operations Director
Clinical Research Atlanta
175 Country Club Drive, Suite 100A
Stockbridge, GA 30281