Clinical Trials of Atlanta

Together, we can build a healthier community.

When you join a clinical research study, you not only participate in a study that may benefit you, it could also benefit our community. Clinical research trials are necessary to help develop new treatment options for viruses, diseases and various health conditions. Without dedicated volunteers, this work cannot be done. At Clinical Research Atlanta, we offer many opportunities for you or your loved one to participate. Your participation and time is needed and valued. Participating is also a great way to added extra income to your household as compensation is offered for time and travel when you qualify for a study.

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Interested in participating in a clinical trial?

Clinical studies are a critical step in making new medications available to the public by helping to determine a drug's ability to treat certain conditions, its safety, and its possible side effects.

At Clinical Research Atlanta, we are dedicated to the success of clinical trials.

Tomorrow's health...
Today's Research.

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What Is Clinical Research?

Clinical Research uses volunteers to study the effects of a medication, medical treatment or device. Before a medication, treatment, or device is made available to the public, it must be approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). This requires intensive research into a drug’s ability to treat a condition, its safety, and its possible side effects. Pharmaceutical companies hire Medical Professionals, like those at CRA, to conduct these studies using volunteer patient populations. Results are then sent to the FDA to help it decide if a new medication should be approved for the public.

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Study Topics

Healthy Volunteer

Healthy volunteer clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing medical research and improving healthcare outcomes. By participating in these trials, volunteers contribute directly to the development of new treatments, medications, and vaccines.


By becoming a volunteer for a migraine clinical trial, you play a pivotal role in the development of new treatments that could benefit millions worldwide. Your participation allows researchers to gather essential data to evaluate the safety and efficacy of potential therapies.

Type 2 Diabetes

Joining a type 2 diabetes clinical trial presents numerous advantages for participants and the broader community. These trials often offer access to cutting-edge treatments and therapies that are not yet available to the general public.


Vaccine clinical trials play a pivotal role in advancing medical science and public health. These trials are essential for ensuring the safety and efficacy of vaccines before they are made available to the general population.

Weight Loss

Are you interested in advancing research on weight loss and obesity treatments? Participating in clinical trials not only contributes to scientific knowledge but also offers potential benefits for your health. Learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference.

Paid Clinical Trials: Get Paid to Receive Help and Make a Difference

Participate in a study and gain access to cutting-edge treatments before they become widely available-completely free of charge. If you qualify, you’ll also receive compensation for your time and travel, as well as for your invaluable contribution to the advancement of new solutions in healthcare.

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